Thrust Selective Weed Control 5L
Thrust is a strong selective weed killer for use in agricultural & amenity grassland. It can be applied through a vehicle mounted or hand held sprayer making it a useful product. It is particularly strong on weeds such as thistle, dock, ragwort, plantain, soft rush & buttercups.Following the recent loss of so many selective herbicides, Thrust is one of the few remaining value for money products.
Where used for controlling ragwort or other waxy weeds, we would recommend mixing in a herbicide enhancer. This helps the herbicide be drawn into the leaves more effectively & cuts down on the loss of product. It will also help reduce the amount of time it takes for the chemical to dry on the leaf.
Restrictions you need to be aware of are as follows:
Do Not
* Graze for at least 14 days after spraying
* Mow or roll 4 days before or after application. The first 4 mowings after treatment must be composted for at least six months before use.
* Treat newly established grass less than one year old
* Treat grass crops intended for seed production
* Treat grass suffering from drought, disease or other adverse factors
* Roll or harrow crops for seven days either before or after application of THRUST
* Apply when grassland is flowering
* Apply in windy weather in case of spray drift onto neighbouring crops.
* Spray within 5 metres of the field boundary
* Brand: Thrust
* LERAP Category: Does Not Apply
* Active Ingredient: 344g/l 24-D + 120g/l Dicamba
* Boom Sprayer Rate: Up to 5L per Hectare in 100L of water
* Knapsack Sprayer Rate: 100-250ml per 10L of water covers 1000m2
* Pack Size Coverage: Up to1.6 Hectares or 16,000m2
* Pack Size: 5L
* Application Method(s): Boom Sprayer, Knapsack
* Area of Use: Amenity Turf, Lawn, Paddock, Pasture
* Safe For Use On: Grass, Lawns, Paddocks, Pasture
* Period Of Use: April, May, June, July, August, September, October, Spring, Summer, Autumn
Buttercup, Dock, Nettle, Plantain, Ragwort, Soft Rush, Thistle
Application Rates
Dilution Per Litre
Max Rate Per Hectare | Dilution Per Litre | Weeds Controlled | |
3.5 Litres | 7 Litres (Amenity Grassland Only) | 35ml per litre of water | Annual grasses, annual broad-leaved weeds |
3 Litres Thrust + 2 Litres Hurler | 30ml Thrust | Cleavers, Dandelion, Common Chickweed, Common hemp-nettle, Field forget-me-not, | |
20ml Hurler | Black Bindweed, Dead Nettle, Dock, Ragwort, Bramble, Red dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Common Fumitory, Groundsel |
Certificate: PA1, PA6